his show offers more than just entertainment; it provides valuable life lessons wrapped in humor and heart. From handling challenges with grace to forging unexpected friendships, 'The Kafe' serves...
The anti-homosexuality act of 2023 which came into force in May 2023 has a few things for artists in Uganda and the foreign artists that hope to perform or exhibit in Uganda. I will share what I think we should remember.
The stage theater and live performing arts provide a platform for preserving and showcasing the traditional cultural heritage of a community. This helps to ensure that the cultural identity and history of a country are not lost, even as it develops and evolves.
we had a kids acting program and about 15 children were enrolled by their parents. These kids were trained for about 8 weekends and to crown their training, production was done.
This industry is not for the faint-hearted, it is a cut-throat industry where the unfit don't just fail to survive, they die. To be part of the industry, you have to be brave, a risk taker and have a lot of self-belief which many people lack. Yes, our teachers are good but they may actually be cowards.
Young people get exposed to this as early as kindergarten as music dance, and drama makes learning easy and smooth for the younglings. They start by singing the alphabet and numbers until they know what each of them means. Around Primary 4, they start using the same to compete and try to win at being the best in either music, dance, or drama. This is done with teams as Theatre is an ensemble activity.
We have always been told that the customer is the Boss, and every business owner, employee, and customer knows it. This is even hung like a painting in the lobbies of many businesses but is never respected.
Our team included actors, a production supervisor, three directors, a production manager, a gaffer, three camera operators, a make-up artist, a costumer, carpenter, art director, a continuity person, production assistants, and of course the almighty God who kept us all safe and sound.